今日は、またまたお寿司食べ放題に行った。 例によって、あやしいドイツ人とお初の、先月の日記によくつっこみしていたのぶこさんだ。 今度は、新宿にある「雛鮨」だ。 「ヒナスシ」と読むらしい。 ここは、僕の知っている中で一番高級な店の部類だ。 なんと、食べ放題で3980円もするのだ。 店の看板にも「高級」と書いてある。 池袋の寿司王国が2980円、銀座の玉寿司は3500円なので、一番高級なのだ。 ちなみに、味はどうだろう。 もちろんすごくおいしいが、全体的には玉寿司の方がおいしい気がする。 しかし、トロはこちらの方が断然においしい。 それに、ボタンエビもひとり1つだけだが注文できる。 ドイツ人のユルゲン曰く、池袋の方がおいしいということであった。 ただし、彼は玉寿司には行っていない。


Today I went to Sushi shop again with strange German guy and Nobuko-san who often wrote the comment on this diary of last month. We tried Hinasushi today. This is the most expensive sushi shop ever i know. It costs 3980 yen for tabahoudai. Sushi oukoku in Ikebukuro costs 2980yen, Tamazushi in Ginza costs 3500yen, so it's most expensive. How was its taste? Of course very good but i think Tamazushi is better totally except Toro is very very good and i can order 1 Botan-ebi. My German friend Jeurgen told me he liked Ikebukuro's better. But he'd never been to Tamazushi.

Today I don't know how many pieces i ate, but i promise i was satisfied. ^^

内容 名前
・I am not strange, you are :) <br>But lets go sometimes to Tamazushi! [2001/10/26 09:26:30] (by Juergen (who else writes English here?))
・うひひ、ひらちゃんの方が怪しいらしひ。。。で。。。また、寿司屋、 [2001/10/26 12:44:03] (by 名なしさん)
・うひひ、ひらちゃんの方が怪しいらしひ。。。で。。。また、寿司屋、俺もつれてけ〜 [2001/10/26 12:44:24] (by DM)
・ok let's try Tamazushi next time. But we have to find the girls. We have to go to Tamazushi with pairs of man and woman. [2001/10/28 01:11:42] (by ひらちゃん)
・おう。連れてったろ連れてったろ。僕が案内。DMさんが会計。(^o^) [2001/10/28 01:12:17] (by 名なしさん)
・上の名なしさんもぼくです。 [2001/10/28 01:12:52] (by ひらちゃん)
・Thanks for making the reservation. but Sushi and the Starbucks coffee.... really weird combination, I would say. which means you are not strange, but weird, Juergen. [2001/10/29 01:21:29] (by nobuko)
・haha... He always go to Starbucks after eating sushi.... ^^, ok i'll write about him 'weird German guy' from now on. :P [2001/10/29 03:32:18] (by ひらちゃん)
・I think that Starbucks is the perfect add-on for sushi! I also think that with instant tea you can make a tea ceremony in just 3 minutes which saves big amounts of time!!! ;) [2001/10/29 17:39:11] (by Wired Juergen)
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